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Interview: KADAVERFICKER – Nekrokore is love

Rita Limede 28/07/2016 Interviews Comments Off on Interview: KADAVERFICKER – Nekrokore is love
Interview: KADAVERFICKER – Nekrokore is love

Just after their passage at the fest XXXICKEN Party in Portugal for a gig, we here at The Black Planet zine had the amazing opportunity to interview Kadaverficker, who gave us the chance to get to know a little bit more about them, one of the most unique German grindcore acts in the current scene.

TBP: When you guys started in 1993, did you thought you would get this far with more than 20 years of career?

KF: Never! Never ever! Well, everyone dreams about to be around for such a long time, but you don´t really believe in it when you start. Thus you´re very grateful for the opportunities you get. We are now able to travel around, meeting old and new friends all over Europe and everything started in the small, wasted attic of Goreministers parental home.

TBP: The gig at XXXicken Party was really good. What memories do you got from the concert and from the festival?

KF: Thanks for the kind words about our gig… We thought we fucked it up completely, as every time, because we were all a bit drunk, haha. We share a lot of lovely memories from this festival, because all in Serrabulho are great friends of Kadaverficker and they set up an amazing festival despite all resistances. All the organizers and the amazing crew fought a fight, we thought they couldn´t win at some point, but they totally kicked everyone´s ass and made it happen. That deserve a lot of respect! We´re very proud to be part of the whole event and it was so fucking awesome to meet all our friends again. We also meet a lot of new pals that became brothers really quick. It was kind of a “Family Meeting” for us.

TBP: The latest EP “Nekrokore Supremacy” came out last June 22nd. How were the reactions so far?

KF: Yea, the whole things should have been out since 2013 and now it´s finally done. It´s our 20th anniversary 7” EP. 2003 we made the 10th Anniversary 7” EP called “Nekrokore Theater” and now another one. This time we decided to re-record four old (S)hits from us and combine it with four new Nekrokore Bombs. As everytime from fans for the fans, released by the Norwegian label Noisy Grind Records. We can´t tell a lot about reactions, because it´s not out for a long time and straight after the release we flew to Portugal to enjoy our time at amazing XXXicken Party. Time will tell, but hey… It´s limited to 100 copies in slime green vinyl, so you better act quick if you want to get one.

TBP: You have a lot of split albums along with other grindcore bands. How important it is for you these kind of releases?

KF: Very important! At this point we released 11 Split 7”es and several Split Tapes and CDs with other bands. In total over 50 Releases right now. A nightmare for collectors, haha. Seriously, we just love vinyl and we want to release as much as possible with fellow bands. It´s important to share the sickness around the globe and split releases make it possible to support the underground and make other bands known to people.

TBP: We at The Black Planet consider you guys one of the biggest influences in the grindcore scene. Do you feel that you are that influent not only in Germany, but in the scene as well?

KF: Really? Well, tell that the people in Germany, haha! In Germany a lot of people don´t like us and because of the silly band name we often get troubles with the authorities and hyper political correct people, who don´t understand the subtle humor, because they´re too stupid. Maybe we influenced one or two bands, that´s possible, but we don´t see ourselves as a huge influence to the grindcore scene. We´re just a bunch of fucked up guys, doing the stuff they love and try to get wasted with the fans and bands on concerts. That´s what it´s all about, right?

TBP: How big is the grindcore scene in Germany?

KF: Actually it´s pretty big, especially in the region where we live are a lot of Grindcore and Death Metal Bands. Most of them help out each other and it´s a small family; we call NRWDM (Northrhine Westphalia Death Metal).

TBP: Do you feel that you got already loyal followers after such a long time of career?

KF: Definitely! From all over the world, but there are some special people who go crazy for our releases and collect them all, especially from Mexico, Switzerland and the east of Germany. Great people, great supporters. We now also have a very small fanbase in Portugal after our tour last year with Serrabulho. One of the organizers (Sergio) saw us on a gig in Porto and brought us back to the XXXicken Party this year. Well, we hope to play in Portugal every year now, because we feel like home when we visit this country.

TBP: What are the bands that have influence you the most?

KF: That´s always a tough question, but we´re surely influenced by a lot of bands, not only from the grindcore scene. It´s hard to tell because we´re really open minded when it comes to music. Bands like Tragedy, Black Panda, Barbatos, MötleyCrue, Joy Division, Death, Anal Cunt and/or Godspeed! You black emperor! We are very influenced by, when we have to answer this question spontaneously.

TBP: If you had the chance to open for a band, what band it would be?

KF: Uh! Another tough question! Well, we would open for every band on the planet as there´s enough beer and chicks backstage. Simple as that, haha.

TBP: Thank you for answering these questions and hope to hear more about you in the future. We at The Black Planet zine really appreciate it. Any last words for the Kadaverficker Portuguese fans?

KF: Thanks a ton for the opportunity to do this interview with you. Thanks also for the really good time in Portugal and to the people who made this possible. Let´s get fucked up together next year again, will ya? Kadaverficker will be back! And always remember… Nekrokore is Love!

Interview by: Daniel Lemminkainen

Kadaverficker band photo by: Rebecca Böhning

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Music lover, prog snob and grind/brutal death event promoter. Writing is one of my life long passions.

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