Monday 17th February 2025,
The Black Planet




The afterhours of the first day, made the festival ground starting the second day avid for a cozy beginning. And it was SVARTGREN the first band to enter stage. Led by one of the festival organizers, this local black metal act proved to be worth of this second day ceremonies overture.

It was still under the daylight that mysterious BLAZE OF PERDITION started a furious performance. A well designed stage outfit joins a well-cared sound, to put some of their major tracks echoing in the ears of everyone. “Let There be Darkness”, “Gospel of the Serpent’s Kin” and even the Dissection cover “Nights Blood” made this one of the more complete shows of the weekend, proving live the potential of this polish obscure black metal act.




Blaze of Perdition

It was the most crowded day of the weekend, and the polish bands helped to increase the atmosphere in the audience, attracting dozens of their followers to Belgrade.

And ARKONA was no exception to that intense sensation that was growing around the festival ground. These Polish extreme black metalers pulled out a sober spectacle, where a clear sound differentiated the studio chaotic sound brutality.  They had one of the most enthusiastic crowd reactions and played even a song from the announced forthcoming album.

ACHERONTAS were one of the bands about which we didn’t know much, and the will to see them could barely increase after more than one hour interval before they start to play. But these Greeks surely made an effort to compensate us, and their ritualistic black metal gathered all the attentions during one hour. Specially, the last three tracks benefited from slow paced, constant riffs that created general coordinated headbanging.





Then NARGAROTH decided to put out a contagious, closed black metal concert. When we heard “Black Metal ist Krieg” initiating the setlist, we felt that it could only turn out to be a great show. Kanwulf proved to have that blaspheme charisma that pulls you into stage, and it was really an intense show by these Germans. They played all of their most wanted classics”, “I Burn For You”, “Sommer”, “Pisen Pro Satana” or “Possessed by Black Fucking Metal” to end a killer performance.

Polish anti-judeochristianity metalers INFERNAL WAR were one of the most expected bands of this event, namely because they are forbidden to play in several central and eastern European countries. So the fan base for them was quite high, and their followers designed the biggest and most violent mosh pit of the festival. The polish band did their part, playing more than 50 minutes, always with an aggressive sound and explicit lyrics. Even if the drums sound was to low and triggered, they definitely left their mark at Serbian soil.



Infernal War

Infernal War

And then, it was already 04:30h and HORNA wasn’t still playing. Therefore, we were forced to catch the last shuttle bus to the hotel, avoiding this time the agitated ride experiences of the first night. We’ve been told that Czech metalers INFERNO ended their concert at 07:00h! Welcome to Daylight Rising Festival…








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