After a not so exciting first day, I returned to Copenhell to catch some shows that interested me. Despite of the cold, the venue had a bigger crowd than the day before, maybe due to the Ozzy efect – the mythical artist was the headliner for this day.
Day 2
I started my Copenhell adventure on friday on a not so good of a note. I was slightly late to catch the beginning of Deftones, due to a public transportation delay.However, I only lost the first couple of songs, and I got there on time to see Chino Moreno and company taking us into the late 90’s with hits like ‘My Own Summer’ or ‘Digital Bath’. Personally I was hoping to hear ‘Back to School’ but you can’t have everything. Everything from the band’s display on stage, to their sound and the ambiance amongst the audience was on point, making it an amazing show. The best part is that it erased in my head the not so good experience from the first day.
After Deftones a choice between two bands had to be made. So, I decided to skip the Graveyard show, and go see the Japanese band Crossfaith instead. It turns out it was a good option! This show was definitely a small portion of fun. This band plays a strange mixture of metal, hardcore and electronic music, but somehow makes it work. Their music sounded fresh, and their show was full of positive energy. It was fun to observe how some of the older metal fans were jumping and dancing to the cover of the Prodigy.
Next up, Alice In Chains took over the main stage. These Grunge titans from Seattle are still one of the biggest attraction one can have in an event such as this, because they have gathered many fans all around the world throughout the years. The band got a new life with William DuVall on vocals, making them sound like the old times. Alice In Chains received very warm welcome from the gathered crowd that reunited by the stage to see them. The band managed to take the public back to the golden age of grunge with some of their classic songs such as “Nutshell”, “Man In The Box” or “Would?”.
- Deftones
- Deftones
- Deftones
- Deftones
- Crossfaith
- Crossfaith
- Crossfaith
- Crossfaith
- Crossfaith
- Crossfaith
- Alice In Chains
- Alice In Chains
- Alice In Chains
- Alice In Chains
- Alice In Chains
- Alice In Chains
After a small dose of grunge, Copenhell took us back into the heavy side of music with the amazing performance of Kreator. What a show it was! It had all the ingredients to please the crowd – great music including hits like ‘Satan is real’ or ‘Violent Revolution’ , an amazing performance from Mille Petrozza and the team, and of course the sinergy between the band and the audience. They even finished with a bang – explosions of streamers and confetti which covered the crowd gathered in front of the stage. It was good to have a nice, heavy dose of proper metal at last. And this was only appetizer for the main act of the day.
Finally, it was the time for the most anticipated show of the day – the one and only Ozzy. The prince of darkness started the set with ‘Bark at the Moon’ followed with ‘Mr. Crowley’. While Zack Wylde kept shredding on his trademark bullseye guitar, Ozzy was way livelier than anyone would expect; supported altogether by Blasko on the bass, Tommy Clufetos on the drums, and Adam Wakeman on the keyboard, they created a fine music show for the fans. Later in the set there was still time for some Black Sabbath classics – ‘Fairies Wear Boots’, ‘War Pigs’ and ‘Paranoid’, which closed the evening in all its glory. It was an epic show, that the audience will remember for a long time. The biggest surprise – which made people happy with what they have seen – is that the great Ozzy can still pull a great show.
- Kreator
- Kreator
- Kreator
- Kreator
- Kreator
- Kreator
- Ozzy
- Ozzy
- Ozzy
- Ozzy
- Ozzy
- Ozzy
- Ozzy
- Ozzy
In all, this second day was a good one – it was by far the most crowded day of the festival, most likely due to the “Ozzy effect”. Finally, we have received some classic bands on the main stages with great music. The only “bad thing” was the weather – it was not raining but temperature went down to 10-11 degrees Celsius during last show of the night.
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