Wednesday 12th February 2025,
The Black Planet

Paradise Garage

Preview: Hardline + Intuitive @ Paradise Garage

Preview: Hardline + Intuitive @ Paradise Garage

Hardline + Intuitive – May 28th at Paradise Garage, Lisbon Hardline, one of the biggest and most influent hard rock bands from the 90’s, are visiting Portugal for the first time! They come to present their most recent record “Human Nature” with their most recent formation (from 2011 onwards). Hardline is known for big hits [...]

May 10, 2017 Elsa Marques Previews Comments Off on Preview: Hardline + Intuitive @ Paradise Garage

Report: BEHEMOTH + SECRETS OF THE MOON + MGŁA @ Paradise Garage

Report: BEHEMOTH + SECRETS OF THE MOON + MGŁA @ Paradise Garage

After the huge successful show in 2014, Behemoth return for another concert as tour headliners. In the bag comes the critically acclaimed “The Satanist” album. Along came their compatriots MGŁA and the German band Secrets of the Moon, thereby filling the room at Paradise Garage. MGŁA – From the underground comes this formidable and fearful force, serving [...]

November 10, 2016 Filipe Gomes Concerts, Reports Comments Off on Report: BEHEMOTH + SECRETS OF THE MOON + MGŁA @ Paradise Garage

Report: BLACK STAR RIDERS @ Paradise Garage

Report: BLACK STAR RIDERS @ Paradise Garage

They were listed as one of 10 bands that rose from the ashes of other bands, scavengers that were destined to live forever on the shade of Phil Lynott’s legacy. But today The boys were definitely back in town, and an old school visit it was. The switzs Weyers were charged w/ welcoming party. The [...]

December 14, 2015 Vasco Baptista Concerts, Reports Comments Off on Report: BLACK STAR RIDERS @ Paradise Garage

Report: Cannibal Corpse + Suicide Silence @ Paradise Garage, Lisbon

Report: Cannibal Corpse + Suicide Silence @ Paradise Garage, Lisbon

It has been quite a while since both bands on today’s bill have been to Lisbon and so the excitement in the air was almost palpable, even before the doors opened. The crowd was growing fast and a big line outside Paradise Garage was fidgeting to get inside and unleash hell. The last time SUICIDE [...]

July 18, 2015 Phobia Concerts, Reports Comments Off on Report: Cannibal Corpse + Suicide Silence @ Paradise Garage, Lisbon

Report: CULT OF LUNA + PROCESS OF GUILT live @ Paradise Garage

Report: CULT OF LUNA + PROCESS OF GUILT live @ Paradise Garage

  After one first successful night in Porto, the Lisbon concert arrived for the second act of the Swedish in Lusitanian lands this year. It was the second time they played in the Lisbon area, and the affluence to the gig was higher this time. In fact, we may consider Cult of Luna as the [...]

February 19, 2013 Lucifer Concerts, Reports Comments Off on Report: CULT OF LUNA + PROCESS OF GUILT live @ Paradise Garage